Here's a doodle link to try to find a date for a Working Group in Paris early february:
Note that the ProgLang days have just been scheduled for February 8th (afternoon) and 9th. I am not sure how much overlap between the attendants of both events there is. But if it is important, then February 7th and 8th (morning) might be a sensible choice for the working group, so as to reduce travels.
@Guillaume Melquiond Do you have a pointer to that event? (just curious)
I don't think there is anything yet. But if you are not aware of that event, it presumably means you have not been subscribed to the corresponding mailing list, so I am forwarding you the original email.
Thanks a lot!
We're going to do it february 7 and 8th
Sorry @Matthieu Sozeau , I just saw the results. Doing it on Jan 30/31 or Jan 31/Feb 01 would be a big plus for me. Do you think it is still possible?
There were only small minuses for @Guillaume Melquiond at these dates.
Maxime Dénès said:
Sorry Matthieu Sozeau , I just saw the results. Doing it on Jan 30/31 or Jan 31/Feb 01 would be a big plus for me. Do you think it is still possible?
(it would save me another Nice-Inria Paris trip, essentially)
It is still possible.
It is still possible.
Sorry about that :)
Let's propose Jan 31/Feb 01 for now and see at the call if there are problems with it
I've created a page for the Jan workshop
Please add yourself if you plan on participating. Also add any topics.
is it at the usual inria near gare de lyon?
what times are we starting/ending?
is it at the usual inria near gare de lyon?
@Matthieu Sozeau Did you book a room?
I asked @Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias and @Hugo Herbelin , waiting for them
Well, I preemptively reserved the Alan Turing room (16 people, with visio support)
This was the only room I could book that was free. There are other rooms but bookable only by Parisians
Note that originally I indicated I would not be able to help much organize the WG in January, I'm already pretty busy (and tired). So can someone (ideally in Paris) please take the lead to prepare the rest (breaks/lunch/social event, planing of the meeting) ?
Yes @Matthieu Sozeau
@Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias if you are taking part in the organization, maybe add your name to the organizers line on the wiki page.
Yes, I will, thanks Theo
I've been away til yesterday, sorry I wasn't very helpful with this
Will finish catching up later today
For the lunch / coffee breaks we need to know how many we'll be, @all please register at
Please note if you would like to come to a "social event" / dinner
Will there be an in-person developer's workshop this year?
That would be nice, but I don't think anyone has started to plan anything like that yet.
I did register, but the program is still quite empty for a full two days. Before booking a flight at 6:45 AM I'd like to know what will be the topic of Tuesday morning, and if there will be topics for a second day.
@Enrico Tassi we discussed today about when to start in the call, @all please also add your topics ASAP
But indeed, if there are only these topics no point in starting early
There are a few topics already, but none with a duration. Please try to say how much time your topics should take
Good idea, the assumption was a 1 hour slot each
Shouldn’t we have a brainstorming session about the libobject CEP and ?
Sorry to insist, but Is the current list final? Anything else?
Who is doing the funind thing?
curious if there is a plan to regain native_compute in OCaml 5? Or if there is an effort that has some status?
Hum, that calls for the roadmap compilation (@Maxime Dénès , @Théo Zimmermann )...
(another possible item for roadmap: Alectryon for Coq refman)
I wrote down the funind item after @Yves Bertot talked about it during the last call, but I don't have anything to present related to that
Indeed I was thinking of doing the schedule maybe tomorrow, what do you think @Matthieu Sozeau ?
Seems like there are no more topics
@Enrico Tassi while we wait for more feedback, I can try to make a preliminary schedule, what is a good time for you to start the first day?
It seems to me we have time to accommodate those travelling in the day?
I will send resto options later in the day
Are the working group meetings going to be live-streamed?
@TJ Barclay I'm unsure, but I guess we could arrange something if you are interested in attending some particular session?
I was particularly interested in discussions around Equations on Tuesday morning
when I tried to remote attend the last wg it was no good and I gave up
so if all we have to live stream is a random laptop IMO it won't work out
TJ Barclay said:
I was particularly interested in discussions around Equations on Tuesday morning
I need to check with the rest of the organizers and see the room but we'll try to work out something.
But indeed often the streaming setup is not good, but we can try.
Weren't we supposed to meet in a room with visio capabilities?
The one I reserved has visio indeed
So in principle it should work fine
I've added to the webpage a list of possible restaurant choices, please add your own, and express your preferences so we can make the reservations, thanks!
For the people in Nice (@Enrico Tassi and @Maxime Dénès) , we moved topics we thought you could easily miss to Tuesday morning, in case you can change your tickets to something later)
There will be a strike on the 31. What should we do ?
It is likely to be very hard for people to travel from outside Paris.
Argh... indeed. I guess we'll have to setup visio stuff? Or people think it's better to postpone??
Good question, I'm not sure. I was happy that we could meet in person at last. But maybe postponing is too complicated, I don't know.
If it is online, I could participate (in case there are questions or feedback on the Coq Platform / release process - I could also report on my progress on term simplification in automation like VST - I think it gives some clues on what features to add to Coq).
In fact, travelling on the 30th could be ok.
But having also a visio solution would be nice, in case the plan fails. And so that Michael and others can attend.
I will be travelling in on the 30th so it shouldn't affect me right?
Yep, same here actually
Hello, here at Coq PL there are people willing to discuss UI related research with us. The problem is that only tuesday works for them. Would it be possible to swap the two afternoons programs an have 2 hours (or more) on Tuesday dedicated to this?
@Matthieu Sozeau @Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias would this be OK for you? It would require remote participation to be possible, of course.
Sure, I think we can swap at will
OK then, I'll fix the wiki and tell them ASAP, thanks for the quick reply
No constraints on my side
Do you guys have any way to test the visio setup next week? So that we could ask for something better if needed.
Let me see if I can stop by
I've setup two Webex meetings for the WG and another test drive meeting on January 30th at 6pm (Paris time), the details are on the WG page.
I've updated the slot about renaming, I think we should use that time to discuss other subjects with the core team, like adding new members.
Folks, last call for restaurant options, I'll make a reservation tomorrow.
By the way, what would you like to know about coq-lsp
The same thing I would like to learn is a general question on which you alone won't be able to answer: what is the future of UI-related work for Coq. For instance, is there any hope that the ongoing work on VsCoq 2 can benefit coq-lsp or the converse? What is the future of SerAPI ? Of CoqIDE / the XML protocol ? Can we start recommending the use of coq-lsp instead of the XML protocol to IDE maintainers ? to other tool writers?
So any presentation of coq-lsp elements or roadmaps that can help answer partially these questions would be welcome.
Thanks for the feedback Théo
I'd like to understand how the incrementality of fleche works, and how it does less work than coqtop/emacs or stm/coqide
Thanks for the feedback Enrico
Update on local organization: Turns out the strike means on Tuesday we won't be able to have coffee and cookies served; please keep me posted (by private) if you won't be able to make it to the dinner due to this.
I've reserved for 12 people at La fille à Papa
Note that the number of people registered for the social event on the wiki page is actually 13.
If we buy some coffee, surely we can make it ourselves no?
Hmm, if we get coffee caps certainly the Inria teams will certainly let us use their machines :)
FYI, there's a test call at if you want to check your setup
Right now
Good morning, is anybody here yet?
I’ll come around a little bit after 9am I think
It is the building where Hugo and Emilios office is right?
Building C
The lady at the entrance knows about a "groupe de travail Coq"'29.9%22N+2%C2%B023'04.2%22E
First floor, room 115 (take the stairs behind the elevator, since without a badge it won't work)
Folks by the way the dinner is a 8pm not at 7:30 as I put in the wiki
just in case
Last updated: Oct 13 2024 at 01:02 UTC