Patrick Nicodemus has marked this topic as resolved.
Require Import Ltac2.Ltac2.
Ltac2 rec all_successes_rec e f :=
match Control.case (fun () => f e) with
| Err _ => []
| Val v =>
let (v, k) := v in
v :: all_successes_rec e k
Ltac2 all_successes e f :=
match Control.case f with
| Err _ => []
| Val v =>
let (v, k) := v in
v :: all_successes_rec e k
Goal forall (a b c d : nat), a + b + c + d = 5.
intros a b c d.
Ltac2 Eval all_successes Not_found (fun () => Pattern.matches_subterm pat:(?z + _) constr:(a + b + c + d)).
(* match for z=a+b+c, match for z=a+b, match for z=a *)
Thank you!
It was the "Not_found" thing I was having trouble with, I was not sure if the behavior of the "linked list" would depend on the choice of exception fed into the second input of case
In this case I don't think it does
tbh I think it's pretty rare for the exception to change semantics, at most they tend to be used to produce the final error (ie some tactics look like foo + (fun e => bar + (fun e' => zero e))
Are there special properties to the exception raised by zero
other than what is spelled out on the Ltac2 docs page?
Also if I am trying to make state changes to the proof in each iteration of the loop, are these all going to get undone?
Last updated: Oct 13 2024 at 01:02 UTC