looks like the GitLab CI for the opam archive is not getting reported back to GitHub: https://github.com/coq/opam-coq-archive/pull/2121
Compare jobs like this one on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/coq/opam-coq-archive/-/jobs/2143986516 ... which don't show up on GitHub, this is empty: https://github.com/coq/opam-coq-archive/pull/2121/checks
I suppose it means that Coqbot died. @Théo Zimmermann
Perhaps related: opam update coq-released
times out (so https://coq.inria.fr/opam/released seems to be down).
opam update
with coq-released
defined as https://coq.inria.fr/opam/released
works fine for me
I also think this is Coqbot-related, and shouldn't affect anything else that Coqbot doesn't touch
Ack. traceroute
suggests there are some problems between my location and coq.inria.fr
. Sorry for the noise.
It looks like the Coq repo is affected as well, confirming that this is coqbot-related.
FTR, GitHub reports the following when coqbot attempts to create a new checkRun: {"errors":[{"path":["mutation newCheckRun","createCheckRun","input","headSha"],"extensions":{"code":"variableMismatch","variableName":"headSha","typeName":"String!","argumentName":"headSha","errorMessage":"Type mismatch"},"locations":[{"line":2,"column":77}],"message":"Type mismatch on variable $headSha and argument headSha (String! / GitObjectID!)"},{"path":["mutation newCheckRun","createCheckRun","input","detailsUrl"],"extensions":{"code":"variableMismatch","variableName":"url","typeName":"String!","argumentName":"detailsUrl","errorMessage":"Type mismatch"},"locations":[{"line":2,"column":121}],"message":"Type mismatch on variable $url and argument detailsUrl (String! / URI)"}]}
Since nothing has changed in the last 15 days on the bot-side, this must be related to a change on the GitHub-side.
if it helps, the change likely happened about 6 days ago, just between the following PRs:
What? GitHub statuses have not been reported for 6 days and I would hear about it only now? That doesn't sound credible, especially on the Coq repository.
well, I can only report what I saw, which is that PR 2120 in the archive didn't get job statuses. I thought it was some temporary fluke...
OK, I will try to check if this is the same issue.
I will track this here: https://github.com/coq/bot/issues/203
The same problem is currently happening with the Coq CI proper, but this is recent (today-ish?)
e.g. this one https://github.com/coq/coq/pull/15738 is fine but this one is not https://github.com/coq/coq/pull/15746 (note the absence of the gitlab-ci line)
This topic was moved here from #Coq devs & plugin devs > opam archive CI not reporting status to GitHub by Théo Zimmermann.
FTR, I couldn't find any trace of a similar error happening six days ago, so that must have been something else.
FTR, I have pushed a hackish workaround which seems to have fixed the issue. Unfortunately, the long-term fix might be more difficult to design. See details at https://github.com/coq/bot/issues/203.
Last updated: Sep 15 2024 at 13:02 UTC