I was trying to prove that for a function defined like
Definition f (n:nat) : nat := n + 1.
There can be no n
where f n
is n
So I started off (till getting stuck) by doing:
Theorem fnofix : forall n:nat,
f n <> n.
induction n.
- discriminate.
The goal at this point was:
1 subgoal
n : nat
IHn : f n <> n
========================= (1 / 1)
f (S n) <> S n
How can I set this right?
Was I proceding in a wrong direction?
If you are only interested in this particular function then it is not really a matter of using induction, but more of using properties of addition and axioms of Peano.
You can find appropriate properties in the standard library with From Coq Require Import PeanoNat
Nat.add_1_r : forall n : nat, n + 1 = S n
Nat.neq_succ_diag_l : forall n : nat, S n <> n
Isn’t neq_succ_diag_l proven using induction? (uhm, not directly in the stdlib)
IIUC, the proof must rely on induction, since n = S’ n would be solvable for coinductive nats
Concretely, while reusing the stdlib proof is probably a good idea, here's a direct one:
From Coq Require Import PeanoNat.
Definition f (n:nat) : nat := n + 1.
Theorem fnofix : forall n:nat,
f n <> n.
unfold f; rewrite Nat.add_1_r.
Fail discriminate. Fail congruence.
induction n.
- discriminate.
now intros [= H].
(* Expanding. *)
intros H. apply IHn.
injection H. auto.
This strategy generalizes to proving C x <> x
for your constructor C
, and it is not implemented by discriminate
or congruence
(see edit)
Last updated: Oct 13 2024 at 01:02 UTC