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Topic: Question on setoid rewrite inside `if` or `match`

view this post on Zulip YoungJu Song (Jul 15 2020 at 14:01):

I want to use setoid rewrite inside if (or in general, match), but I am not sure how to do this.
What would be the most idiomatic way to do this?
Below is a minimal (self-contained) example.

From Coq Require Import

Set Implicit Arguments.

Variable A: Type.
Variable rel: relation A.
Variable ctx: A -> A.

Global Instance rel_PreOrder: PreOrder rel.
Proof. Admitted.
Global Instance ctx_good: Proper (rel ==> rel) ctx.
Proof. Admitted.

Variable a0 a1 weird: A.
Hypothesis REL: rel a0 a1.

Goal rel (ctx a0) (ctx a1).
  rewrite REL. reflexivity.

Goal rel (if true then ctx a0 else weird) (ctx a1).
  Fail rewrite REL.
  Fail setoid_rewrite REL.

Definition myif X (c: bool) (l r: X): X := if c then l else r.
Lemma if_myif: forall X (c: bool) (l r: X), (if c then l else r) = myif c l r.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Global Instance myif_rel: Proper (eq ==> rel ==> rel ==> rel) (@myif A).
  repeat intro. unfold myif. subst. destruct y; auto.

Goal rel (if true then ctx a0 else weird) (ctx a1).
  rewrite if_myif.
  rewrite REL.

view this post on Zulip Li-yao (Jul 15 2020 at 16:25):

I'd also like to know whether that's possible. Wrapping it into a myif function like you did is the only way I know.

view this post on Zulip Paolo Giarrusso (Jul 15 2020 at 19:06):

My workaround would be to use first case_match (from stdpp's tactics.v).

view this post on Zulip Paolo Giarrusso (Jul 15 2020 at 19:08):

Side comment on that code: instead of Global Instance myif_rel: Proper (eq ==> rel ==> rel ==> rel) (@myif A). you'd want Global Instance myif_rel cond: Proper (rel ==> rel ==> rel) (@myif A cond). — you don't need setoid rewriting for "normal" rewrites

view this post on Zulip YoungJu Song (Jul 20 2020 at 08:02):

Thanks for your repiles!
@Li-yao That definitely makes me less guilty. Thanks for sharing your experience.
@Paolo Giarrusso Unfortunately, in my case, the if true then ctx a0 else weird can be wrapped by a context that contains more if, which I don't want to destruct.

Last updated: Apr 20 2024 at 00:02 UTC