(Note: maybe we should have a stdpp stream?)
It seems like there are no opam package for stdpp on 8.19. Is it due to a technical issue, or simply not done yet? Can we expect one in the shortcoming future?
Thanks a lot,
ping @Ralf Jung and @Johannes Hostert (who did the last release)
There's a channel, but not on this zulip. It's here:
here is the issue opened by Platform maintainers on 8.19 support: https://gitlab.mpi-sws.org/iris/stdpp/-/issues/206
The current master
(says to) support(s) Coq 8.19, so I guess there is no technical reason. See https://gitlab.mpi-sws.org/iris/stdpp/-/issues/205
it is due to a lack of time on our side for making a release. the preils of having an all-prof maintainers team... nobody has time any more :(
Cc @Robbert Krebbers , the main maintainer of the package
Thanks for the confirmation Ralf! It'll be appreciated if you guys find time for the release, but no worries I'll go with a local installation for now :)
Johannes Hostert said:
There's a channel, but not on this zulip. It's here:
Hmm I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I can't seem to join this mattermost. Whether I try to log in via my github account, or my mpi gitlab account, I always get the following error message:
There is already an account associated with that email address using a sign in method other than gitlab. Please sign in using gitlab.
Sorry for the tangential question, but would anyone know what I'm missing by any chance?
yeah that mattermost is somehow cursed with disappearing accounts... and then the gitlab account gets recreated but the mattermost account stays around :/
let's take this to DMs
Yannick Zakowski said:
(Note: maybe we should have a stdpp stream?)
It seems like there are no opam package for stdpp on 8.19. Is it due to a technical issue, or simply not done yet? Can we expect one in the shortcoming future?
Thanks a lot,
the package is prepared, once https://github.com/coq/opam/pull/3015 lands it should be generally available :)
Great, Thanks Ralf!!
Last updated: Oct 13 2024 at 01:02 UTC