Do we have inverse function in standard library [1] (I can not find any in Znumbertheory)? I tried to write one using the euclid implementation given in the library, but it is opaque; hence no normalisation.
Print Euclid. (*
Inductive Euclid (a b : Z) : Set :=
Euclid_intro : forall u v d : Z, u * a + v * b = d -> Zis_gcd a b d -> Euclid a b *)
Definition inverse (m t : Z) : Z :=
match euclid m t with
| Euclid_intro _ _ u v d Huv Hgcd => u
Theorem tinv : inverse 2 3 = 2.
unfold inverse.
simpl euclid. (* Nothing happens *)
There is a Fixpoint pos_div_eucl (a:positive)(b:N) : N * N
for positive binary integers.
edivn : nat -> nat -> (nat * nat)
from mathcomp.ssreflect.div
also computes.
Last updated: Oct 13 2024 at 01:02 UTC