Stream: Coq users

Topic: How to Debug slow QED?

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 21 2021 at 21:13):

Finally I also came across a case of slow QED I can't easily handle. I am verifying with VST a few C functions which essentially compute an approximation for a function with different ranges - larger ranges requiring more complex implementations. The functions are all plain forward processing with calls to abstractions of machine intrinsics - no loops - no ifs - no complicated separation logic - no complicated dependent types. Everything which is not just pure C forward processing logic I moved into separate lemmas already.

My timings are:

assignments = 20
calls = 8
QED = 9s

assignments = 34
calls = 13
QED = 170s

assignments = 48
calls = 19
QED > 11h

The time it takes to construct the proof term is fairly proportional to the C complexity. But for QED I get more than 20x the time for less than 2x the complexity - maybe this is 5th order or more (need to wait for the third QED to finish ...). I have done much more complex stuff which was pretty instant in QED. I am a bit at a loss to understand where this highly non proportional increase in QED complexity comes from. I moved everything which is not just plain forward C processing into separate lemmas already.

The resulting terms get a bit lengthy and in the end I rewrite with a separate lemma which proves the equality between the computed term and the term from the spec. The size of these terms is above average but not that bad (say 1/2 A4 page printed). Could this equality be the issue - as I said the equality itself is proven in a separate lemma and I just apply it.

What are the strategies to debug this? Does it make sense to dump the proof term before QED and make statistics on it?

What processes in type checking the proof term are strongly non proportional and which proof constructs lead to them?

The most common functions in a few 1000 stack dumps are:

Total number in stack (recursive counted multiple, when >=5):
        44959       camlReduction__ccnv_5036  (in coqc) + 266  [0x1102ea2ca]
        24817       camlCArray__fold_1302  (in coqc) + 181  [0x110386805]
        20351       camlReduction__eqappr_5037  (in coqc) + 2324  [0x1102eabf4]
        19899       camlReduction__cmp_rec_5570  (in coqc) + 58  [0x1102edcaa]
        19640       camlReduction__cmp_rec_5570  (in coqc) + 762  [0x1102edf6a]
        19634       camlCArray__fold_1331  (in coqc) + 249  [0x110386d09]
        16527       camlTypeops__execute_5551  (in coqc) + 1540  [0x11032b534]
        2072       camlTypeops__execute_5551  (in coqc) + 490  [0x11032b11a]
        1396       camlTypeops__fun_7619  (in coqc) + 29  [0x11032c69d]
        1395       camlCArray__map_i_2680  (in coqc) + 192  [0x1103890f0]
        1394       camlTypeops__execute_array_5554  (in coqc) + 163  [0x11032c633]
        1393       camlTypeops__execute_5551  (in coqc) + 1769  [0x11032b619]
        812       camlCClosure__whd_stack_7172  (in coqc) + 316  [0x1102e59dc]
        695       camlReduction__eqappr_5037  (in coqc) + 181  [0x1102ea395]
        615       camlReduction__eqappr_5037  (in coqc) + 236  [0x1102ea3cc]
        365       camlCClosure__whd_stack_7172  (in coqc) + 295  [0x1102e59c7]
        328       camlTypeops__execute_5551  (in coqc) + 1140  [0x11032b3a4]
        262       camlReduction__cmp_rec_5570  (in coqc) + 686  [0x1102edf1e]
        183       camlReduction__eqappr_5037  (in coqc) + 8125  [0x1102ec29d]
        171       camlCClosure__knit_6935  (in coqc) + 27  [0x1102e432b]
        145       camlCClosure__knr_6933  (in coqc) + 1600  [0x1102e3a20]
        143       camlCClosure__drop_parameters_6548  (in coqc) + 78  [0x1102e00de]
        136       camlCClosure__knh_6861  (in coqc) + 0  [0x1102e2770]
        131       camlCClosure__knht_6862  (in coqc) + 748  [0x1102e2dfc]
        131       camlCClosure__knr_6933  (in coqc) + 1403  [0x1102e395b]
        129       camlCClosure__knr_6933  (in coqc) + 0  [0x1102e33e0]
        124       camlCClosure__knr_6933  (in coqc) + 1961  [0x1102e3b89]
        118       camlReduction__eqappr_5037  (in coqc) + 0  [0x1102ea2e0]
        111       camlCClosure__contract_fix_vect_6606  (in coqc) + 617  [0x1102e0619]
        105       caml_make_vect  (in coqc) + 153  [0x1104360b9]  array.c:310
        103       caml_page_table_lookup  (in coqc) + 0  [0x11042f670]  memory.c:95

view this post on Zulip Pierre-Marie Pédrot (Mar 21 2021 at 21:40):

This is a clear case of conversion going wrong.

view this post on Zulip Pierre-Marie Pédrot (Mar 21 2021 at 21:41):

It's quite hard to debug, but you can try to wrap your subproofs into opaque definitions if you're courageous enough.

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 21 2021 at 22:47):

I am still lacking a bit of CS jargon (physicist ...). Is conversion checking what change, cbv and/or simplification do in the proof script?

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 07:47):

When there is some lambda-term t of type A which is plugged in a place where a term of type B is expected, a convertibility check is performed to verify that types A and B are compatible. Tactics change, cbv, etc, replace the current goal with a compatible one, so the kernel will indeed need to check for convertibility at Qed time. But that is not specific to these tactics. Basically, everything boils down to a convertibility check at Qed time: reflexivity, rewrite, apply, etc. (That is why Coq's kernel is believed to be a small piece of code, as it is supposed to implement just a convertibility checker.)

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 07:47):

Is conversion checking what change, ...

Yes, but the kernel faces slightly different conversion problems and has slightly different heuristics than the upper layers.
We had to fight this many times in mathcomp, but it is still a black magic thing. If the files are public, I can give it a look. Otherwise calling abstract here and there to see how timing changes may be a way to reduce the problem.

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 22 2021 at 07:51):

One observation regarding this: my terms are all about Z and a mix of concrete large numbers (up to 2^64) and variables. As known e.g. the Prop comparisons in Z compute:

Z.le = fun x y : Z => (x ?= y) <> Gt

E.g. z<=100computes (with cbv) to:

match z with
| 100 => Eq
| 0 | 95 | 63 | 79 | 47 | 31 | 87 | 55 | 71 | 39 | 23 | 15 |
  91 | 59 | 75 | 43 | 27 | 83 | 51 | 99 | 67 | 35 | 19 | 11 |
  7 | 93 | 61 | 77 | 45 | 29 | 85 | 53 | 69 | 37 | 21 | 13 |
  89 | 57 | 73 | 41 | 25 | 81 | 49 | 97 | 65 | 33 | 17 | 9 |
  5 | 3 | 94 | 62 | 78 | 46 | 30 | 86 | 54 | 70 | 38 | 22 |
  14 | 90 | 58 | 74 | 42 | 26 | 82 | 50 | 98 | 66 | 34 | 18 |
  10 | 6 | 92 | 60 | 76 | 44 | 28 | 84 | 52 | 68 | 36 | 20 |
  12 | 88 | 56 | 72 | 40 | 24 | 80 | 48 | 96 | 64 | 32 | 16 |
  8 | 4 | 2 | 1 | Z.neg _ => Lt
| _ => Gt
end = Gt -> False

If one has 2^64 on the right hand side, this is game over. So essentially I cannot ever call cbv except with very careful delta specs. For anything which involves simplifying Z arithmetic, I mirror the computation e.g. with Ltac2 and change the result (the change step is a bit hard in Ltac2 ...). cbn/simple sometimes work, but tend to take a long time.

Up to now I was assuming that what QED does is not affected by this. In the end "+" also expands if the left side is a literal, although I am not sure the internal term size grows with the size of the literal. The printed representation of say 2^n+x grows exponentially with n, but I think it has a lot of reuse of nested terms, unlike what happens with "z<=2^n", which expands to a match over all numbers with are less than 2^n.

So might the presence of z<= large literal in the terms be a problem?

Btw.: the growth with C code statement count is about s^10.

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 07:52):

The root of all evil, as shown in your trace, is handling application: when the system faces f x y z = f x' y' z' then it tries to compare arguments pairwise, eg x = x' ..., and if one fails it unfolds f and retries. It also tries to record the reduced forms, to avoid reducing the same terms again, but if the term is large, this may be counterproductive.

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 07:54):

a mix of concrete large numbers (up to 2^64) and variables

well, this is exactly where the thing may derail

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 07:56):

a "quick" test would be to "lock" the operator that computes. One way is to define a module and module type which expose a (body less) symbol and an equation revealing the real body. You may need to use the equation from time to time, but the kernel will not use it autonomously.

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 07:57):

The first example which comes to mind:

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 07:59):

Indeed in mathcomp i<j \sum_{i<j} does not compute (even if it is just a fold over a list) because of this locking. One has to unlock it (we have a generic mechanism/lemmas to do that, see the canonical structure declaration just after the locking module).

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 22 2021 at 08:00):

The most astonishing side to it is that a really super messy equality proof between two largish Z terms (converting 32 bit modulo arithmetic to Z arithmetic) involving about 30 Coq Interval and 25 Gappa proofs type checks all in one in 2 seconds. So Master Guillaume: teach us!

The C proof doesn't really do any manipulations of the Z terms, it just sticks together terms. So the really super hard work takes 2s to type check and the easy part doesn't finish in 11 hours.

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 08:03):

If we are right in the diagnosis, then it is really an heuristic which derails, it can become exponential for no good reason.

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 22 2021 at 08:03):

I think the tricky part is that Z is also used in internal logic of VST e.g. for manipulating symbol -> value mappings.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 08:04):

I never expected z <= N to reduce to a term whose size grows as N. That is mindblowing.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 08:07):

So, if Coq needs to check whether z <= N and z <= M are convertible and it unfolds <= too early for some reason, then this might blow up.

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 22 2021 at 08:08):

Let me think what I can do. The issue is that the range proofs I do to remove all the mod 2^32 one gets from C arithmetic only work with the concrete numbers. I wonder if I could abstract all literal numbers in such a way that I can still apply the equality proof for the concrete numbers.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 08:11):

You can try playing with the Strategy command. For example, if Coq is unfolding <= or < too early, you can reduce their priority with Strategy 1000 [Z.le].

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 22 2021 at 08:12):

One thought: I try to make my proofs modular. I first have a proof that a C function computes some specific (possibly largish) term in Z. This term is part of the Spec of the C function and thus in the type of the proof goal. I then later proof that this term has certain properties, say approximates some real function to a certain precision.

I wonder if it would help to proof a more abstract goal right away, which would not involve any largish Z term, but instead some Real number stuff.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 08:13):

For example, the Gappa plugin contains Strategy 1000 [Generic_fmt.round], because Coq should only unfold round if it gets desperate.

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 22 2021 at 08:13):

You can try playing with the Strategy command. For example, if Coq is unfolding <= or < too early, you can reduce their priority with Strategy 1000 [Z.le].

Is this something the kernel takes into account during QED?

All the complicated Z stuff I put into a separate lemma. So in essence the C proof is just a forward recording of what the C code computes, then I apply an equality lemma to the specified Z term and QED.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 08:16):

Yes, it is taken into account by the kernel. When it needs to check that f x and g y are convertible, it will choose which of f or g to unfold depending on the level passed to Strategy. (I do not remember how the default levels are computed, but the higher the less likely to be unfolded, if memory serves me right.)

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 08:17):

That said, your idea of abstracting away all the 2^32 constants is a good one.

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 08:18):

By default it unfold on the right, there is no pre computation of priorities based on, say, logical dependencies.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 08:18):

Wasn't there a precomputation based on arity or something?

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 22 2021 at 08:18):

Yes, it is taken into account by the kernel.

Interesting - I din't expect this.

That said, your idea of abstracting away all the 2^32 constants is a good one.

So in essence I could abstract all literals and hide them behind some opaqueness ID function with A very high strategy value?

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 08:19):

No need for Strategy in that case. Just using opaque terms might be sufficient to steer the kernel away from looking at them.

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 08:20):

Yes but beware that Strategy or Opaque are hints, the kernel may unfold anyway. The module opacity I talked about is not a hint, it is final.

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 22 2021 at 08:24):

No need for Strategy in that case. Just using opaque terms might be sufficient to steer the kernel away from looking at them.

I see. So I abstract all numbers as soon as they appear (say move from C statements into the variable context) - or possibly even already in the C code before I start to look at it. Then I apply the equality lemma which unfolds the definitions since there is no other way, but it wouldn't hurt then since it is a 1:1 correspondence of terms. And then I QED?

Yes but beware that Strategy or Opaque are hints, the kernel may unfold anyway. The module opacity I talked about is not a hint, it is final.

Yes, this might also work - completely abstract away all operations instead of the numbers. Then I can convert the terms with equality lemmas.

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 22 2021 at 08:32):

Another question: does it make a difference for the kernel if I rewrite with an equality compared to converting the goal such that it becomes the equality I have and apply it? Imagine I have f(x) = f(y) and a proof for x=y. I could rewrite with the equality or I could apply f_equal and then the equality.

Does this make a difference for the workload during QED?

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 22 2021 at 09:09):

One more piece of symptomatic information: the stack depth is typically around 500 and it does go up from time to time to level 10 or so.

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 09:11):

Michael Soegtrop said:

Another question: does it make a difference for the kernel if I rewrite with an equality compared to converting the goal such that it becomes the equality I have and apply it? Imagine I have f(x) = f(y) and a proof for x=y. I could rewrite with the equality or I could apply f_equal and then the equality.

Does this make a difference for the workload during QED?

Not really.

But beware that when we say "convert" we mean by change/simpl, not by apply/rewrite.

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 22 2021 at 09:29):

But beware that when we say "convert" we mean by change/simpl, not by apply/rewrite.

Yes, but applying lemmas or rewriting in the end also requires a conversion to check it. I can imagine that this should not be hard for exact, but I am not so sure about rewrite in largish terms.

Anyway, I will try the things we discussed above (first abstracting the numbers (should be easy), then abstracting the operations) and see if this helps.

I will also think about how I can get towards a reflective proof. If I understand this right the idea behind Guillaume's tools and also the core idea of ssreflect is to apply a lemma which converts the goal into something which completely computes, e.g. to true=true, so that the kernel's job is straight forward computation, which doesn't need any heuristics which could possibly go wrong.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 09:38):

To be clear, there is still a heuristic and it can still go awfully wrong. But since the heuristic is "reduce arguments before unfolding functions", it can be implemented in a very efficient way (that is the main motivation) and it is predictable (that is a bonus).

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 09:57):

@Michael Soegtrop You describe precisely what reflection is, and cbv/vm_compute/native_compute do run fast!

To be precise, small scale reflection is (also) used on open terms, eg prove "(S x <= S y) = true" by applying H : "(x <= y) = true". Note that in this case the LHS does not compute to true, since it contains variables. These are still proof steps taken care by computation, but typically the length of the computation is very different.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 10:19):

Regarding Z.le, it boils down to the following testcase:

Time Check (fun z => fun H : Pos.compare_cont Eq z 1000000 = Gt =>
  H : Pos.compare_cont Eq (xO z) 2000000 = Gt).
(* 6 seconds *)

I guess Coq does not know if it should start by reducing the first or second occurrence of compare_cont, chooses the first instead of the second, and then explodes.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 10:26):

That said, this is a bit strange, because after a step of reducing the first occurrence, it should switch to the second one, since the first one now starts with a blocked match. There is no reason for Coq to keep reducing the first occurrence.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 10:27):

So, there might be an actual bug in Coq.

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 11:23):

remark: the kernel compares applications right-to-left

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 11:28):

Here the order does not matter because the arguments are always in normal form, so their comparison is immediate, unless I am missing something.

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 12:02):

Require Import ZArith.
Axiom z : positive.

Goal True.
Time unify
(Pos.compare_cont Eq z 1000000)
((fix compare_cont (r : comparison) (x y : positive) {struct y} : comparison :=
  match x with
  | (p~1)%positive =>
      match y with
      | (q~1)%positive => compare_cont r p q
      | (q~0)%positive => compare_cont Gt p q
      | 1%positive => Gt
  | (p~0)%positive =>
      match y with
      | (q~1)%positive => compare_cont Lt p q
      | (q~0)%positive => compare_cont r p q
      | 1%positive => Gt
  | 1%positive => match y with
                  | 1%positive => r
                  | _ => Lt
Eq z 1000000%positive).

This is what you get after the unfold you expect, so we should look what the conversion does in the case Const | args vs Fix | args.
I guess it does not do the pairwise comparison which would be immediate...

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 22 2021 at 12:52):

Enrico Tassi said:

Note that in this case the LHS does not compute to true, since it contains variables.

But isn't it so that the the term one has at the point of Qed fully computes to e.g. true=true? It is clear that intermediate terms one has in the construction of this final term are usually open.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 13:00):

Michael Soegtrop said:

But isn't it so that the the term one has at the point of Qed fully computes to e.g. true=true? It is clear that intermediate terms one has in the construction of this final term are usually open.

No, not for proofs by reflection. When we get to the goal foo = true, foo is usually already closed. Indeed, if there are still some variables at this point, it means that they do not participate in the computation.

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 13:07):

You may get this incorrect intuition from the fact that many theorems about type theory say that in an empty context ... For example a term of type nat is either O or S, but only in an empty context.

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 22 2021 at 13:09):

I meant the process of constructing the term foo and relating it to whatever goal one has. During this process one sees all kinds of terms.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 13:14):

Enrico Tassi said:

I guess it does not do the pairwise comparison which would be immediate...

That is interesting. Also, I am a bit surprised that the code does not unfold the definitions on both sides if they are the same symbol. Keeping one folded is just delaying the inevitable.

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 13:18):

Now I don't have time to dig, but I guess it pushes the fix on the stack, and put the literal in head, then fire a iota, obtaining a stuck match on z, then pushes the match on the stack and leaves z in head. Then it must go left and obtain the same thing. So my memory tricks me, because something more costly must happen in between.

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 13:19):

And we should not forget that it has to compare the unfolded fix with y substituted in, maybe it is then that something goes wrong

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 13:20):

given that y is concrete, it can always unfold the fix, even if x (z) is stuck

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 13:21):

what is hard to see is why the two terms don't "align" sooner than later

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 13:38):

If Coq chooses to reduce the fix instead of unfolding the symbol, they can never align until the fix is fully expanded. At that point, Coq has created a huge match on x and it has to check for convertibility on all the branches, hence the exponential behavior. That is my current theory.

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 13:44):

My recalling is that there are checks to (quickly) compare the stack (the context under which the comparison is happening), but they just say "can't be equal", while here one would like to see "maybe better to reduce the other side, since here we already have so many match!"

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 13:45):

Hum, no, that can't work here... sorry for the brainstorming.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 13:46):

I tried modifying the conversion checker so that it unfolds on both sides, when the symbol is the same. Unfortunately, Int63.v no longer goes through. The calls to auto with zarith no longer terminate then. That is strange.

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 13:49):

In this case the good heuristic seems to be to consider both x and y recargs (which would weaken the conversion relation, but not that much)

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 13:49):

(That does not fix the issue anyway.)

view this post on Zulip Pierre-Marie Pédrot (Mar 22 2021 at 13:49):

Int63 is extremely sensitive to unfolding heuristics.

view this post on Zulip Pierre-Marie Pédrot (Mar 22 2021 at 13:50):

I can't recount the number of hours I have lost trying to tweak the conversion algorithm, just to face an explosion in Int63.

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 13:50):

For good or bad reasons?

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 13:50):

we can always rewrite that file, if it is just that file...

view this post on Zulip Pierre-Marie Pédrot (Mar 22 2021 at 13:50):

There is essentially a fixpoint that unfolds to a 2^32 case analysis.

view this post on Zulip Pierre-Marie Pédrot (Mar 22 2021 at 13:51):

I believe this can be worked around but I'd concerned about end-users facing the same kind of issues.

view this post on Zulip Pierre-Marie Pédrot (Mar 22 2021 at 13:51):

(and thus breaking backwards compat)

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 13:51):

I think it would be much better if "a fixpoint that unfolds to a 2^32 case analysis" would never work, and force users to find a better way. What is a pain is that sometime is works

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 13:52):

But I don't understand why unfolding the same head symbol on both sides could cause such a divergence.

view this post on Zulip Pierre-Marie Pédrot (Mar 22 2021 at 13:52):

Because 2^32 is huge?

view this post on Zulip Pierre-Marie Pédrot (Mar 22 2021 at 13:53):

@Enrico Tassi if you want to implement a workaround, I think you can try changing the L2R comparison order and compiling Int63.

view this post on Zulip Pierre-Marie Pédrot (Mar 22 2021 at 13:54):

Loop guaranteed, 100% satisfaction.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 13:55):

What I mean is that I modified the checker so that, when it encounters f x = f y, it unfolds f on both sides rather than on one side only. How could unfolding only one f succeeds?

view this post on Zulip Pierre-Marie Pédrot (Mar 22 2021 at 13:55):

if you're in a partial fixpoint unfolding, I believe.

view this post on Zulip Pierre-Marie Pédrot (Mar 22 2021 at 13:55):

Imagine you have f := fix F := ..., and the LHS is the one-step unfolding of the RHS.

view this post on Zulip Pierre-Marie Pédrot (Mar 22 2021 at 13:56):

but unfolding the LHS leads to a huge fixpoint.

view this post on Zulip Pierre-Marie Pédrot (Mar 22 2021 at 13:56):

I can probably cookup an artificial example.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 13:56):

No, I am talking about the constant case. Both sides have to be unfolded, otherwise they can never match (right?).

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 13:56):

@Guillaume Melquiond it eventually also unfolds the second f

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 13:57):

I think you code is correct, but changes the order in which things happen

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 13:58):

so it may just be slower

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 14:05):

Pierre-Marie Pédrot said:

but unfolding the LHS leads to a huge fixpoint.

Okay, I see. So, the fact that it currently works is completely improbable, because, if Coq ever decides to unfold the LHS before the RHS has reached the exact term of the unfolded LHS, then an exponential blowup occurs.

view this post on Zulip Pierre-Marie Pédrot (Mar 22 2021 at 14:07):

"Le salaire de la peur."

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 14:26):

That said, I still do not understand why Enrico's example does not get through instantly. As far as I understand, the algorithm first puts the terms into a very weak hnf, which should give something like compare_cont ... vs z | Case .... At this point, Coq unfold the head of the LHS and puts it into hnf, i.e., z | Case .... The heads match each other, so Coq moves to checking the convertibility of the branches. But they should be syntactically equal at this point, so I do not understand where Coq is wasting time.

view this post on Zulip Gaëtan Gilbert (Mar 22 2021 at 14:41):

there's no syntactically equal fast path once you're reducing

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 14:44):

Oh, right! We are no longer encountering a single symbol application, so there is nothing to prematurely stop the full hnf.

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 15:32):


"maybe better to reduce the other side, since here we already have so many match!"

was not so silly after all

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 15:34):

once you have an irreducible match in your context, you may start reducing the other side until you find a match

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 15:34):

Using the type pos_bool = 1 + 2 * pos_bool instead of positive = 1 + positive + positive fixes the exponential blowup, since it reduces the number of recursive branches in compare_cont from 2 to 1. Unfortunately, that is not a sustainable solution, since the conversion from positive to pos_bool is costly, allocation-wise.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 15:36):

Enrico Tassi said:

once you have an irreducible match in your context, you may start reducing the other side until you find a match

That is what happens, somehow, except that you now have two branches to compare, which in turn means that you have four branches to compare, and so on.

view this post on Zulip Enrico Tassi (Mar 22 2021 at 15:37):

oh, I see, you are off by one match anyway so you have to continue

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 22 2021 at 15:56):

I have one more question for debugging this: does abstract do an immediate Qeq - that is it is technically the same as proving a lemma outside of the current lemma, Qed it and applying it in the current lemma?

view this post on Zulip Pierre-Marie Pédrot (Mar 22 2021 at 16:00):

Not quite, but as a first approximation it's reasonable to believe that.

view this post on Zulip Pierre-Marie Pédrot (Mar 22 2021 at 16:01):

There is complex machinery in the kernel to make a best effort to behave that way.

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 22 2021 at 16:01):


view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 16:03):

Pierre-Marie Pédrot said:

There is complex machinery in the kernel to make a best effort to behave that way.

Last time I looked at "abstracted" terms, I thought I was going crazy. It took me a while to understand that abstracting was no longer creating an intermediate lemma unless the proof is terminated by Defined.

view this post on Zulip Pierre-Marie Pédrot (Mar 22 2021 at 16:04):

Indeed, but the kernel skips the type-checking of the corresponding subproof, so it behaves the same in terms of conversion problems and the like.

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 22 2021 at 16:05):

Indeed, but the kernel skips the type-checking of the corresponding subproof, so it behaves the same in terms of conversion problems and the like.

Now I am confused. Does it type check the sub proof right away or not?

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 16:05):

Yes, it does.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 16:07):

Pierre-Marie's sentence should be understood as: The kernel will encounter the exact same conversion checks as if the subproof had been put in a separate lemma.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 16:09):

(Even if it is actually put in a separate lemma only if Defined is used.)

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 22 2021 at 16:12):

So, 1. the abstracted subproof is immediately checked, 2. the wrapping proof is checked at Qed time, 3. the abstracted subproof is inserted in the wrapping proof but the resulting proof is not checked at Qed time.

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 22 2021 at 16:23):

Thanks Guillaume!

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 22 2021 at 16:56):

For debugging this, I try to define parts of a proof as axiom. For this I need to cut and paste terms, which doesn't work in the presence of printing only notations.
There was this PR merged in 2017 ( to do this. Did a similar feature remain? Close Scope does not seem to have the effect of disabling notations for printing.
Switching off all notations is not much of an option in presence of large numbers.

view this post on Zulip Jason Gross (Mar 23 2021 at 13:29):

Coming to this discussion late, but in my experience (as confirmed here), slow Qed is almost always either (1) conversion not recorded in the proof trace (using simpl/cbn, vm_compute/native_compute in the hypotheses rather than the goal, change, or more rarely using cbv or lazy with a blacklist/whitelist), (2) issues with too many universes, or (3) the guard checker being slow. The "quick" fix, once you've tracked down the offending simpl (or whatever) (which you can do by adding Axiom admit : forall {T}, T and then trying all: exact admit. Unshelve. all: exact admit. Qed. at various points in the proof, and seeing when it first gets slow), is to replace the call to conversion with something like simpl with match goal with |- ?G => let G' := (eval simpl in G) in replace G with G' by reflexivity end (replacing reflexivity with abstract reflexivity if you want).

view this post on Zulip Jason Gross (Mar 23 2021 at 13:29):

(Is it worth sticking this explanation on some wiki somewhere?)

view this post on Zulip Pierre-Marie Pédrot (Mar 23 2021 at 13:34):

@Jason Gross I believe so

view this post on Zulip Jason Gross (Mar 23 2021 at 13:35):

@Pierre-Marie Pédrot Do you have a suggestion of where to put it? Is there some wiki of "Coq Debugging Tips" or "My Coq is Too Slow, What Should I Do?"?

view this post on Zulip Pierre-Marie Pédrot (Mar 23 2021 at 13:48):

somewhere around probably?

view this post on Zulip Pierre-Marie Pédrot (Mar 23 2021 at 13:49):

there is also which mentions slow Qed

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 23 2021 at 14:25):

@Jason Gross : thanks a lot!

So if I got you right any sort of conversion with change, cbv, cbn, ... in goals is OK, but in hypothesis it might be harmful? Does this also apply to the value part of local definitions or only to the type part?

E.g. the VST automation abstracts certain parts of the goal into local definitions, mostly to keep the goal readable and then does quite a bit of conversions in these local definitions, e.g. symbol -> value mapping management, but as far as I can tell mostly in the values of the definitions and not in the types. Could this possibly be harmful?

Another though: afaik usually a change is more efficient in the goal than a rewrite. Does this also apply to hypothesis or could the type checker make use of rewrite equalities to steer the process? In the end an equation would be more rigid than a conversion, even if the left and right hand sides are convertible. So might a "rewrite x with y in H by cbv" be better than a "change x with y in H"?

view this post on Zulip Jason Gross (Mar 23 2021 at 14:30):

So if I got you right any sort of conversion with change, cbv, cbn, ... in goals is OK, but in hypothesis it might be harmful?

Not quite. vm_compute and native_compute in goals is okay. In hypotheses it is almost always wrong to use vm_compute and native_compute. cbv and lazy are fine (in all contexts) as long as you issue the right Strategy commands to cause kernel conversion to unfold your whitelists before anything else, and to unfold your blacklists after anything else. Hope will be lost if you use contradictory whitelists/blacklists in the same proof, even if you use abstract (at least if you want coqchk to handle your vo file; the checker sees Strategy as being per-top-level proof). Finding the right strategy commands for simpl/cbn is a black art I have not even begun to master, so I suggest avoiding them entirely when performance matters. All conversion tactics are fine if the term you're converting is small enough.

view this post on Zulip Jason Gross (Mar 23 2021 at 14:32):

E.g. the VST automation abstracts certain parts of the goal into local definitions, mostly to keep the goal readable and then does quite a bit of conversions in these local definitions, e.g. symbol -> value mapping management, but as far as I can tell mostly in the values of the definitions and not in the types. Could this possibly be harmful?

Yes, it's risky, though in general the overhead comes from unfolding recursive definitions in the wrong order, so as long as you don't have deep recursion in any of the definitions here (i.e., all of your maps are small), it should be fine.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 23 2021 at 14:43):

Jason Gross said:

In hypotheses it is almost always wrong to use vm_compute and native_compute. cbv and lazy are fine (in all contexts)

I would say it differently. It is always (!) wrong to use vm_compute and native_compute in the context and this is noticeable. Similarly, using cbv and lazy in the context is just as wrong (for the same reason: no transtyping ascriptions are put in the proof term for operations on the context), irrespective of Strategy. But more often than not, the issue is not noticeable.

view this post on Zulip Jason Gross (Mar 23 2021 at 14:59):

Another though: afaik usually a change is more efficient in the goal than a rewrite. Does this also apply to hypothesis or could the type checker make use of rewrite equalities to steer the process? In the end an equation would be more rigid than a conversion, even if the left and right hand sides are convertible. So might a "rewrite x with y in H by cbv" be better than a "change x with y in H"?

It applies to hypotheses as well.
change is more efficient, until it slows down your Qed. At that point, you can either find out the right sequence of transformations that the kernel will compute efficiently, doing refine (_ : new_goal_type) repeatedly to leave evidence in the proof term, or else you can give up and use the sledgehammer of rewrite. Note, btw, that the kernel can be sensitive to which term is on the left and which is on the right, so if you're dabbling in this arcane art, the first trick to learn, IIRC, is that if your hypothesis has type G and you're converting it to be a thing of type G', then refine (((fun v : G' => (v : G)) _) and refine ((fun (f : G' -> G') => (f : G -> G')) (fun x => x) _) can have drastically different performances because, IIRC, the first one will result in the conversion problem G' ≡ G while the second one will result in the conversion problem G ≡ G'. Example:

Fixpoint fact (n : nat) := match n with 0 => 1 | S n' => n * fact n' end.
Axiom P : nat -> Prop.
Check (fun (H : P (id fact 10))
       => (fun (f : P (fact 10) -> P (fact 10)) => (f : P (id fact 10) -> P (fact 10)))
            (fun x => x)
  : P (id fact 10) -> P (fact 10). (* fast *)
Check (fun (H : P (id fact 10))
       => (H : P (fact 10)))
  : P (id fact 10) -> P (fact 10). (* very slow *)

view this post on Zulip Jason Gross (Mar 23 2021 at 15:00):

@Guillaume Melquiond

Similarly, using cbv and lazy in the context is just as wrong

You can drop in the context here. cbv and lazy do not insert transtyping ascriptions even when used in the goal.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 23 2021 at 15:04):

Really? Then that is a bug. Because that is the only reason why REVERTcast exists in Coq, as far as I know.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 23 2021 at 15:07):

I just tested with Coq 8.9. The type ascriptions are there, fortunately.

view this post on Zulip Jason Gross (Mar 23 2021 at 15:07):

Hm, how can you tell? cbv. Show Proof does not show any cast nodes in the proof term.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 23 2021 at 15:08):

Did you try Set Printing All?

view this post on Zulip Jason Gross (Mar 23 2021 at 15:11):

Ah, no, I was not aware that Set Printing All is needed, given that DEFAULTcast does not need Set Printing All and is printed identically to REVERTcast when Set Printing All is enabled.

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 23 2021 at 15:17):

Yes, having to disable notations just to see reverse casts is a bit painful.

view this post on Zulip Jason Gross (Mar 23 2021 at 15:21):

It seems strange that change does not leave a REVERTcast

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 23 2021 at 15:36):


view this post on Zulip Jason Gross (Mar 23 2021 at 15:54):

I've written a fleshed out guide in (comments, suggestions, and improvements welcome) and reported and

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 23 2021 at 19:01):

@Guillaume Melquiond

But more often than not, the issue is not noticeable.

Is this so because vm_compute / native_compute usually do much more complicated conversions than cbv, so that it is harder for the kernel to type check later, or is this due to a technical difference?

view this post on Zulip Guillaume Melquiond (Mar 23 2021 at 19:47):

The former, that is, if vm_compute is not performed at Qed time, you will notice it. But if cbv is done differently at Qed time, that is much harder to notice.

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 24 2021 at 07:27):

@Jason Gross : thanks for writing this! Very helpful, both the background and the concrete hints.

One note: the section ( seems contradictory - I guess due to editing after the feedback from Guillaume. First you say that simpl & Co don't leave a cast and a few lines later you say they do.

view this post on Zulip Jason Gross (Mar 24 2021 at 12:29):

@Michael Soegtrop Glad it's helpful! I've adjusted the text a bit, hopefully it's more clear now. In fact simpl & co do leave cast nodes, but, unlike vm and native, these nodes are not enough to reconstruct the exact reduction strategy used in the proof script, and hence the kernel will almost always take a different path. For lazy and cbv this is often not too bad, especially when augmented with Strategy commands, but for simpl and cbn this is really insufficient. Is this all clear from the text now?

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Mar 24 2021 at 20:57):

@Jason Gross : yes, thanks! It is very clear now. Possibly the background knowledge you present should make its way into the reference manual.

view this post on Zulip Adrian Dapprich (Apr 11 2021 at 15:11):

fwiw I recently also had a problem of slow Qed time when defining a couple of large fixpoints (also when defining them non-interactively where I'm not sure if we can call it Qed time anymore) which turned out to be neither conversion nor the guardedness checker -- as Time Guarded. just before Qed was very fast.
But it was because I had not indicated the structurally decreasing argument anywhere which apparently takes a long time to infer since adding the annotation reduced compilation time of a pathological coq file from more than an hour to 4 seconds.

view this post on Zulip Adrian Dapprich (Apr 11 2021 at 15:13):

Although I would have expected infering the decreasing argument is also the guardedness checker's job since from my understanding this argument is the object of interest that is checked for being guarded right?

view this post on Zulip Adrian Dapprich (Apr 11 2021 at 15:18):

The wiki page linked by @Jason Gross seems to be publicly editable. I will then probably add that tidbit. And does anyone know how one could trigger and time the inference manually so that it's better to debug when that is the cause of a slowdown?

view this post on Zulip Jason Gross (Apr 11 2021 at 16:29):

That's very interesting, and yes, please do add it to the section about fixpoints! Could you extract the example into a standalone file and maybe report it as a performance issue on the Coq bug tracker? I'm also curious whether or not extruding the body, as I suggest in the section about fixpoints, changes the timing. Also, does permuting the arguments change the time of the Guarded call? It seems plausible to me that Guarded picks a different order for guessing the structural argument than Qed. (Also, I'm guessing that there's some argument that if you declare that one to be structural, Coq takes a long time to figure out that it's not?)

view this post on Zulip Gaëtan Gilbert (Apr 11 2021 at 16:45):

it seems Guarded does no guessing, instead it just uses the last argument

Fixpoint F (x y:nat) : nat.
  destruct x as [|x].
  - exact 0.
  - exact (F x y).
Fail Guarded.
Show Proof.
(* (fix F (x y : nat) {struct y} : nat := match x with
                                       | 0 => 0
                                       | S x0 => F x0 y
                                       end) *)

view this post on Zulip Gaëtan Gilbert (Apr 11 2021 at 16:47):

IIRC we wanted to forbid tactic mode Fixpoint without struct, which would ensure Guarded is only used when it works
but I don't know if any specific person has decided to make it happen

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Feb 20 2023 at 18:09):

@Jason Gross @Gaëtan Gilbert : can you please summarise the status of change after the changes done since this has been discussed above? Is it safe (in terms of QED time) to use change now on the goal, or should I still use e.g. replace a with b by reflexivity instead? I guess any direct use of reductions tactics on the type of hypothesis is still a reason for QED slowness.

view this post on Zulip Gaëtan Gilbert (Feb 20 2023 at 18:20):

Is it safe (in terms of QED time) to use change now on the goal

Was it unsafe at some point?

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Feb 21 2023 at 10:54):

@Gaëtan Gilbert : well this is what the Coq Wiki (section written by @Jason Gross) says:

The tactics simpl, cbn, lazy, cbv, compute, hnf, unfold, and red (but not change, see Issue #13984) when used on the goal only will leave a special kind of cast in the proof term

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Feb 22 2023 at 08:35):

@Gaëtan Gilbert : I saw your edit to the wiki . May I interpret this such that using change still does not leave a cast in the proof term, so that changing a term with a computed form of it in the goal can lead to QED slowness?

view this post on Zulip Paolo Giarrusso (Feb 22 2023 at 09:11): is still open but now there's an MR from Gaëtan

view this post on Zulip Gaëtan Gilbert (Feb 22 2023 at 09:23):


view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Feb 22 2023 at 12:32):

After some experiments I found that the QED slowness I am experiencing is due to cbv with explicit delta list. If I set Strategy expand for exactly the same symbols as I have in the delta only list, the QED is fast. Note that using just Strategy without an explicit delta list does not work, since I would have to set strategy opaque for all other symbols.

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Feb 22 2023 at 12:37):

I wonder what might be a reasonable way to handle this. I could use with_strategy around an abstract as recommended here - the only issue is that I frequently use computed delta lists and as far as I can see neither Ltac2 nor Elpi do have a with_strategy tactic which would take a symbol list.

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Feb 22 2023 at 12:38):

I wonder if we should have an abstract tactic, which takes a reduction strategy and converts this to strategy expand flags for the kernel.

view this post on Zulip Gaëtan Gilbert (Feb 22 2023 at 12:39):

isn't it redundant with with_strategy?

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Feb 22 2023 at 12:41):

Not knowing how this is implemented I am not sure what is efficient. Apparently I anyway need a redundancy between delta lists I give to cbv and strategy commands I give to the kernel. Since I have explicit delta lists, I don't need the strategy for cbv - I only need it for the kernel. So I thought it might be more efficient to give it to abstract.

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Feb 22 2023 at 12:42):

I also wonder if we should have a strategy option for QED.

view this post on Zulip Michael Soegtrop (Feb 22 2023 at 12:44):

In the end I want to have an effective way to get cbv with explicit delta list through the kernel without having to specify my symbol lists several times.

Last updated: Apr 19 2024 at 06:02 UTC