I had been trying to make function whose return type is dependent on a list.
Like this:
Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Inductive enum (A: Type): list A -> Type :=
| Zero: forall ls:list A,
enum A ls
| More: forall (ls:list A) (a:A),
enum A (a::ls).
Fixpoint foo (n:nat): forall ls:list nat, enum nat ls :=
match n with
| O => fun ls => Zero _ ls
| S n' => fun ls => (* More _ ls n' *)
In environment
foo : nat -> forall ls : list nat, enum nat ls
n : nat
n' : nat
ls : list nat
The term "More nat ls n'" has type "enum nat (n' :: ls)"
while it is expected to have type "enum nat ls".
But couldn't do it.
How can such a function be defined?
The return type is dependent on a list which won't be same for all possible constructors.
The return type of foo
states that it will return an enum
for any n: nat
and ls : list nat
, while your comment seem to indicate that you have a specific list in mind (possibly defined using n : nat
). Is this really the type you want to inhabit ?
this foo
compiles.. but I'm not sure it is what you would like to have in result.
Fixpoint foo (n:nat): forall ls:list nat,
match n with O => enum nat ls | S n' => enum nat (n'::ls) end
match n with
| O => fun ls => Zero _ ls
| S n' => fun ls => More _ ls n'
Kenji Maillard said:
Is this really the type you want to inhabit ?
I wasn't sure if that's how the type should be stated, to be honest..
I have a type depedent on a list. While values of this type are being built, the list changes. And this causes a type mismatch.
I wanted to skirt around this problem.
That's what I wanted to show with this example. Not sure how well I expressed it..
Andrey Klaus said:
compiles.. but I'm not sure it is what you would like to have in result.Fixpoint foo (n:nat): forall ls:list nat, match n with O => enum nat ls | S n' => enum nat (n'::ls) end := match n with | O => fun ls => Zero _ ls | S n' => fun ls => More _ ls n' end.
Is it possible to use the foo
as a recursive call inside the first match
as well?
Julin Shaji said:
Is it possible to use the
as a recursive call inside the firstmatch
as well?
I do not think so. What problem do you try to solve?
You cannot use foo
in its own type but you could first define the list employed in the type of foo
by induction on n:nat
and then implement a variant of foo
Fixpoint downToZero (n : nat) : list nat :=
match n with
| 0 => []
| S n => n :: downToZero n
Definition foo (n : nat) : enum nat (downToZero n) :=
match n as k return enum nat (downToZero k) with
| 0 => Zero nat []
| S n => More nat (downToZero n) n
By the way, if you want enum
to actually enumerate/frame a prefix of your list, you should probably have a recursive occurence in the constructor More
, e.g.:
Inductive enum (A: Type): list A -> Type :=
| Zero: forall ls:list A,
enum A ls
| More: forall (ls:list A) (a:A), enum A ls ->
enum A (a::ls).
Last updated: Oct 13 2024 at 01:02 UTC