I am trying to define a tactical that performs some operations on the proof environment before applying the argument (a tactic) to the (modified) goal. But I cannot manage to delay the execution of the (tactic) argument.
Here is an example:
Ltac combine tac1 :=
match goal with
H:nat |- _ => revert H; tac1
Ltac mytac :=
(match goal with
| H:nat |- _ => idtac "AAA"
| _ => idtac "BBB"
(* Tactic Notation (at level 4) tactic4(tac1) ";;" tactic4(tac2) := combine tac1 tac2. *)
Goal forall n:nat, True.
(* Set Ltac Debug. *)
combine ltac:(mytac).
Since combine does "revert" before applying tac, I expect to see "BBB", but I get "AAA".
Is it possible to force the delay of the tactic taken in argument?
You can change the definition of mytac
from match goal
to idtac; match goal
to modify its status.
what we usually do is explicit thunking
so that would mean calling combine ltac:(fun _ => mytac)
and invoking tac1
in combine
via tac1 ()
but yeah, ltac also has completely bonkers evaluation order and it can be made more sane by using idtac; match
instead of match
Thanks! But how can I have a nice tactic notation which hides the idtac;
trick? So that for instance people would write combine intro
for instance?
Tactic Notation "combine" tactic3(tac) :=
idtac; match goal with
H:nat |- _ => revert H; tac
I think stuff like this works for us (https://gitlab.mpi-sws.org/iris/stdpp/-/blob/master/theories/tactics.v).
and you might not need the idtac
here, not sure. I often add "defensive idtac
" because you never know when ltac is out to screw you.
note that Ltac :=
and Tactic Notation :=
can behave very differently
If you are using Tactic Notation
, I don't think you even need idtac
, since tac
will be substituted in the notation before being evaluated.
My experience is that Tactic notation triggers evaluation more than Ltac. Example below with combine and combine_app that are supposed to first revert H and then perform print_goal. I could not find a way to delay with notations.
Ltac print_goal :=
match goal with
| H: _ |- _ => idtac H; fail
| |- ?g => idtac "======"; idtac g
Ltac combine tac1 tac2 :=
match goal with
H: _ < _ |- _ => revert H ; tac1 ; tac2
Ltac combine_app tac1 tac2 :=
match goal with
H: _ < _ |- _ => revert H ; tac1 () ; tac2 ()
Tactic Notation (at level 4) tactic4(tac1) ";;" tactic4(tac2) := combine ltac:(tac1) tac2.
Tactic Notation (at level 4) tactic4(tac1) ";;;" tactic4(tac2) :=
combine ltac:(idtac;tac1) ltac:(idtac;tac2).
Tactic Notation (at level 4) tactic4(tac1) ";;;;" tactic4(tac2) :=
combine_app ltac:(fun _ => tac1) ltac:(fun _ => tac2).
Goal forall n m:nat, n<m -> True.
intros n m H.
print_goal ;; print_goal. (* ==> n m H*)
intros H.
print_goal ;;; print_goal. (* ==> n m H*)
intros H.
print_goal ;;;; print_goal. (* ==> n m H*)
intros H.
(idtac;print_goal) ;;;; (idtac;print_goal). (* n m *)
That is quite surprising. And there is even worse: (idtac; print_goal) ;; print_goal
. The first tactic is still broken, but it magically fixes the second one. This is crazy.
Indeed. I really don't see any way around this.
basuically, this does what I want:
combine_app ltac:(fun _ => print_goal) ltac:(fun _ => print_goal).
but it seems impossible to have a nice syntax for it.
Maybe Ltac2 would have a way to delay?
No. Or rather, it would be the same as in Ltac, that is, define Ltac print_goal _ := ...
Yes but this is not acceptable for my use case: I want people to write destruct H ;; intro h
and not fun () => destruct H; fun () => intro h
I need a Tactic Notation delayedtactic(x) ";;" delayedTactic(Y) := ..
Ltac2 should let you write notation like
Notation "combine a b" := combine_app (fun _ => a) (fun _ => b)
at least I'd expect that from any sensible system^^
also Ltac2 fixes all the evaluation order craziness
For the record, Tactic Notation
in Ltac is not a notation system.
It does much more than that.
Last updated: Oct 13 2024 at 01:02 UTC