Hi all, for now we will use this topic to discuss the upcoming Coq Working Group and Hackaton next month.
Hi, I just need to add my details to the participant section to register? Is there no other way where I can hide my email?
I just added my (real) name for now.
Hi @Mycroft92 , your name is just fine! Affiliation and email are optional, you can also add your Zulip nick so people could map these
Here is the link to the page anyone else interested: https://github.com/coq/coq/wiki/CoqWG-2022-02
@Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias what are you (more or less) covering in your "Coq Internals Seminar" ?
@Tomás Díaz I will post a TOC, good idea; I hope to cover what happens when you do coqc foo.v
that is to say, what are the components involved in processing and type-checking a .v file
a kind of general overview of the system, a map if you want, so people can get an idea of where is what
but of course I'm open to suggestions, so I'll post the TOC and wait for feedback in the wiki
nice, ty
we look forward to an "elaborate" architectural digram :wink:
can we use the Big Blue Button videoconf via Renater or Inria? Would be helpful for sure (in my opinion best system I've used for this kind of workshop)
I'd like to request a "Coq PR tutorial" to understand the contribution process and automation better. Would be nice if one or more of the core team members could be available as PR mentors for PRs of reasonable size/scope discussed upfront, i.e., they commit to advise a PR and shepherd it to merge (or make a call to abort, if things go wrong)
sadly I might need advice on something as trivial as adding a project to CI
Adding a project to CI seems like the kind of thing that could get its own tutorial, although perhaps a nice written tutorial would suffice (I don't know if that already exists).
there is already quite a lot of documentation, but then wrenches get thrown in like build system issues
but I was actually hoping to get help on first porting a plugin (possibly several) to master, then adding it to CI. Obviously the first part is the hardest
Requests sound nice, pleace folks add them to the wiki page so we can try to find someone interested in them
Hi! I'd like to get some help with jscoq, and the Hackathon seems like a good opportunity for it. Is this subject suitable for the event? If yes, shall I go ahead and add it to the wiki? Thanks!
Hi @Evariste G , it is absolutely suitable! Please add your request to the wiki, and provide a bit of detail
@Ali Caglayan , seems like time we should send some kind of reminder, right?
@Ali Caglayan would you like send it coq-club? I think it is your turn :D
I'm gonna take care of twitter :D
Should we say we'd try to make the program like Feb 2nd?
or maybe a bit later?
I think we can make the program for then.
We have a dedicated stream for the event now: https://coq.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/314095-Coq-Hackathon.20and.20Working.20Group.2C.20Winter.202022
heads up that the hackathon is starting tomorrow Feb 15 morning CET time, first presentation is 15:00 CET: https://github.com/coq/coq/wiki/CoqWG-2022-02
Please join the stream and write on the wiki if you plan to attend.
Thanks @Karl Palmskog , we will send a mail reminder soon
Indeed all join!
Last updated: Oct 13 2024 at 01:02 UTC