I have this code (using the HoTT library if that makes a difference):
Section Fin.
Definition Fin : forall (n : nat), Type.
refine (nat_rec _ _ _).
* exact Empty.
* intros n' fin_n'. exact (sum fin_n' Unit).
Definition ex : Fin 3.
exact (inr tt).
When I try this I get an error about how tt
is not a type. Could someone explain what I am doing wrong?
Note: I know it would be better to defined this as an inductive type, I am only doing this for the sake of an exercise.
that depends on the actual types of a few constructs in your context, but inr
does take 2 type arguments — they’re usually implicit, but maybe not here? About inr.
will say. Can you post its result, and the error message from this code?
I’m also curious about the output of Print sum.
and Print Unit.
Here is Print sum.
Inductive sum@{u u0} (A B : Type) : Type := inl : A -> (A + B)%type | inr : B -> (A + B)%type
Arguments sum (_ _)%type_scope
Arguments Datatypes.inl {A B}%type_scope _, [_] _ _
Arguments Datatypes.inr {A B}%type_scope _, _ [_] _
Here is Print unit
Inductive Unit@{} : Type0 := tt : Unit
I tried to update based on this info to:
Definition one : Fin 2.
About inr.
exact (@inr Unit (Fin 1) tt).
This tells me the following:
The term "@inr Unit (Fin 1) tt" has type "Sum (Fin 1) Unit" while it is expected to have type
"Fin 2".
Ah, I think I figured out my stupidity, I had re-defined Sum somewhere not in a section
@Callan McGill Are you working on your own development? Use the Locate
command to find which sum is being talked about. Note that sum
is from the Coq stdlib and Sum
is the HoTT one, which is being used in Fin
Which editor are you using?
I am using PG in emacs
Are you working in your own project?
You should ideally pass -noinit to coq so that you don't accidentally confuse yourself with the Coq stdlib.
This can be done by having a _CoqProject in your project folder that PG can find
And put these arguments in the _CoqProject as detailed here: https://github.com/HoTT/HoTT#usage
and in HoTT if you want basic stuff, and lemmas about types just do From HoTT Require Import Basics Types.
at the top.
Thanks, the situation is actually worse in that I have -noinit
but I stupidly defined my own version of Sum
for a particular exercise I was doing :/ It'll teach me for not using Section
how would Section help there?
I thought if I end the section then it would not be in scope later?
It's fine to define your own Sum, if you use Locate Sum
it will show you the full names of all things named Sum
Some will be qualified by the module they live in
Also, interestingly the original definition still doesn't actually compute how I expect and so I had to use an explicit Fixpoint
The HoTT one for example will probably be called HoTT.Basics.Datatypes.Sum
Callan McGill said:
I thought if I end the section then it would not be in scope later?
only for Variables/Context/Hypotheses
not definitions and inductives
you may want Module instead of Section
Ah good to know, thanks for the information, I am still a beginner
Last updated: Sep 09 2024 at 06:02 UTC