How does Coq know what to do with conflicting notation? In the following two modules it seems the behavior is different based on the presence of implicit coercions. See BadNotation with implicit coercion, always ==>
gets picked instead of ¬
However, in the GoodNotation module, somehow Coq knows to pick the right notation.
So I guess two questions
(* With the coercion, Coq always picks the long form notation [==>]. Tried changing levels, the order, nothing... *)
Module BadNotation.
Context {S: Type}.
Notation SP := (S -> Prop).
Definition cast_Prop (P : Prop) : SP := (fun _ => P).
Coercion cast_Prop : Sortclass >-> Funclass.
Definition IMPL(p q: SP) : SP :=
fun s => p s -> q s.
Notation "'¬' p" := (IMPL p False) (at level 70).
Notation "p '==>' q" := (IMPL p q) (at level 74).
Definition sat(s: S)(p: SP): Prop :=
p s.
Notation "s |= p" := (sat s p) (at level 80).
Goal forall p q s, s |= ¬ p ==> q.
intros. (* Shows as [s |= (p ==> False) ==> q *)
End BadNotation.
(* Without the coercion, I can get conflicting notations to work (but no idea how!) *)
Module GoodNotation.
Context {S: Type}.
Notation SP := (S -> Prop).
Definition IMPL(p q: SP) : SP :=
fun s => p s -> q s.
Notation "'¬' p" := (IMPL p (fun _ => False)) (at level 70).
Notation "p '==>' q" := (IMPL p q) (at level 74).
Definition sat(s: S)(p: SP): Prop :=
p s.
Notation "s |= p" := (sat s p) (at level 80).
Goal forall p q s, s |= ¬ p ==> q.
intros. (* WORKS! *)
End GoodNotation.
with the coercion, the notation needs to be:
Notation "'¬' p" := (IMPL (cast_Prop p) (cast_Prop False)) (at level 70).
oh, or Notation "'¬' p" := (IMPL p (cast_Prop False)) (at level 70).
depending on the type you intend!
since notations aren't typechecked, Coq can't insert coercions automatically in their bodies. With Notation "'¬' p" := (IMPL p False)
, ¬ p
expands to an ill-typed term IMPL p False
and Coq must fix that to IMPL p (cast_Prop False)
. Syntactically, that does _not_ match IMPL p False
, so the pretty-printer won't use ¬
for it!
but using p ==> cast_Prop False
is fine — and as usual, the coercion is not printed by default
in your original example, Set Printing Coercions
indeed reveals the first goal as s |= (p ==> cast_Prop False) ==> q
Paolo Giarrusso said:
since coercions aren't typechecked
You mean notations, right?
thanks, fixed!
Last updated: Oct 13 2024 at 01:02 UTC