Are there any experts in pure mathematics in this community?
Is there anyone in this community who can issue an arXiv endorsement?
We have completed a formal proof by Coq of the Collatz conjecture.
We are having trouble getting an arXiv endorsement. Can anyone help us?
Axiom R_Definition
is absurd.
for example, very rough proof script, someone else feel free to proof golf:
Lemma R_Definition_False : False.
pose proof R_Definition 1 0 as H.
assert (0 < 1) as H0 by lia.
specialize (H H0).
destruct H as [H1 H2].
assert (H3 : Nat.Odd 1) by (exists 0; lia).
specialize (H1 H3).
@Li-yao @Karl Palmskog
Thanks for your quick comment.
Last updated: Oct 13 2024 at 01:02 UTC