what's the difference between coq and literate coq?
where did you get "literate Coq" from? Usually, it just refers to "literate programming" by Knuth applied to Coq, as in, e.g., Alectryon, see the Alectryon paper
software foundations "available as literate coq files", also it's all over the place in Alectryon
I recently wrote about this distinction of books (literate vs. non-literate) in this preprint, see page 10, I call them "executable textbooks" vs. "traditional textbooks [with Coq libraries]"
also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literate_programming
i like executable textbooks
what the Software Foundations authors mean at a low level with "literate Coq files" is that their book content is written as special comments in Coq code, and then the coqdoc
tool and/or jsCoq generates HTML that interleaves code/prose which is how people usually consume the book (through their browsers).
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Last updated: Oct 13 2024 at 01:02 UTC