Given a list, while doing case analysis in proof mode, is there a way
to split like [], [a], a::l'
instead of the usual [], a::l'
For a scenario like this:
Require Import List ssreflect.
Import ListNotations.
Goal forall (A:Type) (l : list A),
match l with
| [] => 0
| [a] => 1
| _ => 2
end = length l.
move => A l.
case l.
- by [].
- move => a2 w2.
case w2.
+ by [].
+ move => a3 w3.
by [].
move=> A [| a [| l']]
Julin Shaji has marked this topic as resolved.
In vanilla Coq, intros A [|a [|l']].
does the same
Last updated: Oct 13 2024 at 01:02 UTC