I want to get the height of a derivation tree, but (understandably) get into trouble with universes.
My goal can be summarized with the following snippet, where height
should "typecheck" in one form or another:
Inductive expr : Type :=
| Enat : nat -> expr
| Ebool : bool -> expr
| Eplus : expr -> expr -> expr
| Ecmp : expr -> expr -> expr
Inductive ty : Type :=
| Tnat : ty
| Tbool : ty
Inductive tcheck : expr -> ty -> Prop :=
| TconstN : forall (n : nat), tcheck (Enat n) Tnat
| TconstB : forall (b : bool), tcheck (Ebool b) Tbool
| Tplus : forall (e1 e2 : expr), tcheck e1 Tnat ->
tcheck e2 Tnat ->
tcheck (Eplus e1 e2) Tnat
| Tcmp : forall (e1 e2 : expr) (τ : ty), tcheck e1 τ ->
tcheck e2 τ ->
tcheck (Ecmp e1 e2) Tbool
Fixpoint height {e : expr} {t : ty} (c : tcheck e t) : nat :=
match c with
| TconstN _ => 0
| TconstB _ => 0
| Tplus _ _ H1 H2 => 1 + height H1 + height H2
| Tcmp _ _ _ H1 H2 => 1 + height H1 + height H2
I tried wrapping into Inductive PropWrap : Prop := PropWrapC : nat -> Prop
, but that seems to just shift the problem somewhere else and make it all entirely unergonomic.
The code works if I change tcheck : expr -> ty -> Prop
to tcheck : expr -> ty -> Type
. However, that's a somewhat hefty price to pay, because now I cannot easily combine this with other propositions (since it is not declared to be a proposition... :^))
How can I approach this?
This is a known issue if you put your derivations in Prop
, and there is no easy way around, because you are hitting a rather fundamental property of propositions. Possibilities that I know of are:
tcheck : expr -> ty -> nat -> Prop
, and eg `Tplus : forall (e1 e2 : expr) (n1 n2 : nat), tcheck e1 n1 Tnat -> tcheck e2 n2 Tnat -> tcheck (Eplus e1 e2) (1 + n1 + n2) Tnat); downside: every proof needs to handle that extra index, which is tediousexists n : nat, tcheck' e t n <-> tcheck e t
, and use that to do height induction only when you need to; downside: code duplicationType
, possibly wrapped in PropWrap
when necessary; downside: you lose impredicativity of Prop
, which is sometimes useful, and you now need to be careful where you use PropWrap
, so that you never need to wrap anything; downside: you might need to re-do in Type
a lot of things that exist only in Prop
For reference, option 2. is used eg. here, option 4. is used in MetaCoq (an equivalent of PropWrap
is only used quite late to have well-behaved extraction, that removes the propositional content), there is a bit of 5. in logrel-coq, see for instance typing_eta'
vs typing_eta
As far as I can tell, 5. might be best if you can do it without too much disruption, otherwise I'd go for 4, afaict option 1 and 2 incur quite a lot of boilerplate
Thanks for your reply!
I'm - in fact - doing the 2nd option already, but hitting a different technical issue with regards to the witness provided by the equivalence (exists n : nat, tcheck' e t n) <-> tcheck e t
. Consider the assumption tcheck (Eplus e1 e2) Tnat
. Inverting yields tcheck e1 Tnat
and tcheck e2 Tnat
. Unfortunately, applying the equivalence here gives us two witnesses n1
, n2
such that tcheckn n1 e1 Tnat
and tcheckn n2 e2 Tnat
. But, since I'm interested in the height, I want n1
and n2
to be equal in this case, which I'd get from a function that computes the height of the derivation tree.
Looks like a rather nasty situation from a technical point of view in the sense that there appear to be no good solutions...
Thank you nonetheless! :pray:
Matthis Kruse has marked this topic as resolved.
Why should n1
and n2
be equal? Or do you mean in the case of Eplus n1 n2
Is there a reason to do height
on tcheck
instead of doing it on expr
? tcheck
is directed by expr
in your example so the result should be the same
Gaëtan Gilbert said:
Is there a reason to do
instead of doing it onexpr
is directed byexpr
in your example so the result should be the same
That's a nice observation! Unfortunately, it's an artifact of my simplified example to demonstrate my problem. The actual type system I'm modelling is not syntax-directed :^)
But, since I'm interested in the height, I want n1 and n2 to be equal in this case, which I'd get from a function that computes the height of the derivation tree.
I agree with Meven, that seems surprising — it'd make sense for perfectly balanced trees:
| Tplus : forall (e1 e2 : expr) n, tcheck e1 Tnat n ->
tcheck e2 Tnat n ->
tcheck (Eplus e1 e2) Tnat n
but that's not what we expect right? Looking at your code, height
is also _not_ computing the height of the tree — that's a size.
Sorry, I accidentially merged two topics - I posted to the wrong topic and then changed the title, but apparently it changed the title for the complete stream. Sorry again for the mess.
A message was moved here from #Coq users > Coq hangs on Qed by Michael Soegtrop.
I tried to clean it up again - but I can't set it to resolved again.
Gaëtan Gilbert has marked this topic as resolved.
Last updated: Oct 13 2024 at 01:02 UTC