First, I'd like to apologize in advance if the question is vague.
I have a game. There are two players: jury and participant. First, the jury generates a random binary string of length 1000000000 with popcount set bits. popcount must be even. The participant can ask the jury how many set bits are in the range [left, right] at most 29 times. Then, the participant wins if they can provide a range [left, right] of length 500000000 and has popcount / 2 set bits. Now, I want to prove the participant always wins if they play optimally.
I know the proof already, and I want to formalize it! And first I need to know how to formalize the statement. Currently I have no idea :( Could anyone help me?
Just a guess, list functions would help a lot.
Yeah. I know I need inductive predicates and lists. Where can I learn about list functions in Coq? Stuff like map, reduce, etc.
I know I also need a function to extract a range from a list. What is that function?
I guess the hard part is I don't know how to model the interactions between the participant and the jury. And also I have to keep track of the number of times the participant asks the jury.
You can represent a strategy as a tree.
something like
Fixpoint strategy (questions_allowed:nat) : Type :=
match questions_allowed with
| 0 => range
| S n => range * (bool -> strategy n)
Fixpoint run_strategy the_string n (s:strategy n) : range :=
match n, s with
| 0, r => r
| S k, (r, s') => run_strategy the_string k (s' (count_set_bits_in the_string r))
Definition is_winning_answer the_string r := count_set_bits_in the_string r = count_set_bits_in the_string full_range / 2.
Theorem has_winning_strat : exists s : strategy 29, forall the_string, is_winning_answer the_string (run_strategy the_string _ s).
maybe use
Inductive strategy : nat -> Type :=
| Done : range -> strategy 0
| Step n : range -> (bool -> strategy n) -> strategy (S n).
instead of the fixpoint (they are equivalent, the inductive is a bit more annoying to work with as destruct might not be great with it but the fixpoint needs you to be careful when reducing if it's applied to a concrete nat like 29)
we don't have "random" instead we have "arbitrary" (forall
the player not knowing about the string which is chosen is expressed by writing exists s, forall string
instead of forall string, exists s
What you want to do here (counting the number of queries to an oracle) is essentially the same as this question I asked recently, so the replies there may also be useful for you:
It seems that the technique of choice here is to use a monad to keep track of how many queries you've made. (This makes sense, since incrementing the query count is a side effect, and monads are the usual way to model side effects in a pure functional language.)
Huỳnh Trần Khanh has marked this topic as resolved.
Last updated: Oct 13 2024 at 01:02 UTC