I was trying a simple example from the beginning of Chlipala's CPDT book like
Inductive type : Set := Nat | Bool.
Inductive tbinop : type -> type -> type -> Set :=
| TPlus : tbinop Nat Nat Nat
| TMult : tbinop Nat Nat Nat
| TEq : forall (t : type), tbinop t t Bool
| TLe : tbinop Nat Nat Bool.
Definition eqb (a b : bool) : bool := negb (xorb a b).
Definition typeDenote (t : type) : Set :=
match t with
| Nat => nat
| Bool => bool
Definition tbinopDenote {t1 t2 t : type} (op : tbinop t1 t2 t) : (typeDenote t1) -> (typeDenote t2)-> (typeDenote t) -> Set :=
match op with
| TPlus => Nat.add
| TMult => mult
| TEq Nat => Nat.eqb
| TEq Bool => eqb
| TLe => Nat.ltb
But I got an error at the first pattern (any pattern actually. Had tried chaning the order patterns) of tbinopDenote
In environment
t1 : type
t2 : type
t : type
op : tbinop t1 t2 t
The term "Nat.add" has type "nat -> nat -> nat"
while it is expected to have type
"typeDenote ?t@{t5:=Nat} ->
typeDenote ?t0@{t6:=Nat} -> typeDenote ?t1@{t7:=Nat} -> Set".
I thought stuff like ?t@{t5:=Nat}
meant that there is a value t
whose possible value is Nat
. But if that was so, it's the only possibility and coq would've inferred it so I guess I'm wrong about that.
How can this error be fixed?
I thought stuff like ?t@{t5:=Nat} meant that there is a value t whose possible value is Nat
no, it means there is a value t
which can use the variable t5
and is used with t5
set to Nat
so both ?t := t5
and ?t := Nat
would work
in this case coq is smart enough to pick the first one, but your type is wrong because you put -> Set
Ah.. I hadn't noticed the type was different.. :sweat_smile: :grimacing:
it means there is a value `t` which can use the variable `t5` and is used with `t5` set to `Nat`
So t5
is just a placeholder? ?t@{t5:=Nat}
could also be just ?t@{Nat}
we don't print the accessible variables when they're the same as the ones in the context so it's really ?t@{t1:=t1;t5:=Nat}
you can see it with Set Printing Existential Instances.
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Last updated: Oct 13 2024 at 01:02 UTC