I am trying to understand the binnat.v example of CoqEAL.
I was looking at this snippet of it.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From CoqEAL Require Import hrel param refinements pos.
Require Import ZArith.
(* [nat_of_bin] is the specification function *)
Definition Rnat: nat -> N -> Type := fun_hrel nat_of_bin.
Lemma RnatE (n: nat) (x: N): refines Rnat n x -> n = x.
rewrite refinesE.
1 subgoal
n : nat
x : N
========================= (1 / 1)
Rnat n x -> n = x
by [].
I couldn't figure out how Rnat n x
is sufficient to show n = x
In fact, how does n = x
even type check?
n: nat
and x: N
. Is there a coercion involved?
(Print Coercions
gave a huge list which I couldn't make sense of easily.)
A value of Rnat n x
is just a type (nat -> N -> Type
), right?
How did that help in showing n=x
Does anyone know what's happening here?
You should probably Set Printing Coercions
or Set Printing All
if you don't understand what's going on.
Set Printing Coercions
and rewrite /Rnat /fun_hrel
made it clear.
Last updated: Oct 13 2024 at 01:02 UTC