I wonder what to think about retroknowledge in module types. It is currently accepted in the syntax but silently dropped. Would there be a problem at allowing them in a module type? E.g. as in:
Module Type M. Primitive float := #float64_type. End M.
Declare Module N : M.
Check float. (* Currently fail *)
no clue about retroknowledge but why should that succeed before importing N
? This does:
Check N.float.
Import N.
Check float.
And it makes sense to me.
Oops, my example was indeed not showing what I wanted to show. Check float
works (after the missing Import
) but what I expected to highlight is that the retroknowledge had not been registered:
Module Type M. Primitive float := #float64_type. End M.
Declare Module Import N : M.
Check float. (* ok *)
Primitive sqrt := #float64_sqrt. (* anomaly *)
Primitive float := #float64_type.
Check float. (* ok *)
Primitive sqrt := #float64_sqrt. (* ok *)
as well as
Module Import M. Primitive float := #float64_type. End M.
Check float. (* ok *)
Primitive sqrt := #float64_sqrt. (* ok *)
Note that I don't thing we should be afraid about the anomaly, this seems mostly to be a test missing to check that #float64_type
has been previously registered (reported as #14814).
Last updated: Oct 13 2024 at 01:02 UTC